Truth Evangelical Assistance Ministries

Jimmy Li Set 1

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The Poem

This is an intro to life's poem,

From several perspective of life's prism,

Ranging from joy to being deprived,

Here are life's poem...


Jimmy Li Back to Top

The Father Of Life

Oh Heavenly Lord!

You are the Father of Life!

Who loved me before I was alive?

Who was the one who loved my life,

Even before I was in my mother's womb?

Lord, how your heart have so much room!

You know I was going to sin.

And was going to commit transgression,

Yet you still loved me.

God, how much you have mercy,

To allow us to come into this world,

When we didn't deserve to live in this world.

We would have never existed.

But God still insisted,

Since his love was that of a Father,

Who still loved his sons and daughter,

And wanted them to be born,

Despite the fact that if they were born,

They would one day rebel against him.

Know any lover more loving than Him?


Jimmy Li Back to Top


Lord, I worship you!

Regenerate me anew!

Lord, you are mighty,

You are the one who strengthen me!

I give my LIFE to you, Lord,

For a peaceful accord.

I thank you for my LIFE!

Without you, I'll be so deprived.

How can I ever survive?

They say I don't need you,

They say I'm weak because of you.

Lord, how strong are they really?

Show them the truth gently!

Lord, I worship you effusively,

Thank you for strengthening me!

Lord, I thank you effusively.


Jimmy Li Back to Top

Poem Eminency

It's nothing to brag about,

But something to be humble about.

The gift Jesus had given me,

The gift of writing poetry.

I thank you for this LIFE.

Lord, what a blessed LIFE!

This poetic ability,

I know it isn't from me!

It was given by your grace,

You were the one who had it in place.

God, I thank you...

Let me forever praise you!

Thank you for this Poetic eminency.

How I praise happily!


Jimmy Li Back to Top

Something To Think About

Oh Lord, I feel so alive!

Do people know how much I am alive?

Lord, I could jump up and own,

And shout above any sound,

As people watch me all around,

Watching me talk about the Jesus' Crown,

The Crown of Eternal Life.

"Jesus, I thank you for the crown of life!"

And People would think I am nuts,

Since I actually got the guts,

To really say I have a life,

In the one who gave me life,

The one who's there in my strife,

The one who stop the suicidal knife,

When I'm down in my life,

And have nothing else in life.

By the way, when you fall,

Who are you going to call?


Jimmy Li Back to Top


I found a source of skittles with life some time recently,

And you won't believe where I stumble upon it lately.

It wasn't hidden in some Irish Country side,

Or under a secret pirate's gold treasure hide.

It wasn't hidden deep within the Mayan jungles,

Or some candy store that sold some candy skittles.

Rather, I found the skittles with life in the heart of believers.


Jimmy Li Back to Top

Thanksgiving 2000

It's the Thanksgiving Weekend.

What was it all about again?

Was it not for Thanksgiving,

To stop for a day to be reflecting,

Of the things you appreciate?

Oh stop for a moment and wait!

What am I thankful for?

Let me tell you once more:

I'm thankful for my youth,

To test the limit of my youth.

I thank God for this,

Along with the true joy and bliss.

I thank God for my salvation,

From a path of Damnation,

and the countless blessing,

That He has gracefully given,

To a nobody like me.

I praise Him truly!

I am thankful to still be in school,

Almost becoming a dropout fool.

I love God for each and every day,

And grateful that I am allowed to pray.

I thank God for the peace I have in Him!

And how things don't look quite so dim,

When you are focused on Him.


Jimmy Li Back to Top

Want To Transform Your Llife?

Man, I'm high on Jesus!

Do you know who is Jesus?

For life, He's the guy you need to know,

Not those fake TV show,

Of guys preaching for money,

Designer Clothes and new Mercedes.

They could shout "Wealth!"

And "God heal all your health!"

Pull off a couple of false healing,

To catch a couple more following.

But then that's it!

Just another sensational bit,

Crammed in another half hour show.

Don't you think that's so shallow?

If you really want your LIFE transform,

Why won't you really conform,

To the one and only Jesus Christ?


Jimmy Li Back to Top 

Columbine: One Year Later

Does any one still remember April 20th, 1999?

Does anyone recall the cry of Columbine?

Columbine, Columbine, Columbine,

Wasn't there a flower called Columbine?

Wasn't Columbine a flower of life?

Yet that day it took 13 life...

And now those souls are gone,

Lord, help those who remain continue on.

The tragedy of death, the smell of horror.

The agonized wounded, the groups of coroner.

Lord, please don't forget Columbine!

Father, I pray you still work in hearts and mind!

The Columbine of death, life and tears,

Don't let people forget with the passing of years.

God, didn't you say there was eternal life?

Didn't you say there was something more than this life?

Lord God, let Columbine remind people about the next life,

And the choices they have to make now in this life...



Jimmy Li

(Original Poem submitted to the website of Columbine Memorial) Back to Top

A Chicken Banned From All Of Society

The Lord knows fully well that I am meek.

How can a scared little skinny boy not be weak?

But to Him be the glory; He is the one who is strong.

I gather strength from the God who is strong.

I am a sissy, a loser and a sacredly cat,

Yes, the Lord knows that all those are the fact.

I am nothing more than a chicken.

God saw my life broke down when I got kicked out.

God knows what I am truly about.

Though I can go through two boot camp,

He show me that I still could be stamp,

And reduce to a little whining crybaby.

But to God be the glory.

During that point in my life of misery,

God was the one who single-handily,

Built me up from scraps to forged me.

There was no one else that had helped me.

My salvation was His testimony.

My character was made by His hand.

And where others have had me banned,

He alone had truly understand,

And by His grace, He had made me a man.

God is the one who made me,

And to Him be the glory.

Though I might still be a Chicken that's weak,

In Christ, I'm a full-fledged Jesus Freak.

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The  Privilege Of Living

The joy of life and being able to live.

Lord, what a privilege!

But Lord, a privilege is a privilege.

We are never guaranteed another day.

Death could come up to us any day.

Lord, I thank you for life!

You are the one who provided us life!

Father, I pray that you have my life guided,

So I won't have each day wasted.

Please, Lord!


Jimmy Li Back to Top

Scarlet Letters For All

Stop for a moment and examine your life!

People, do you all live a sinless life?

Just look at yourself!

If you were to see yourself,

In God's eyes, you are so bad!

You definitely are a sinner gone mad!

You say, "But I was good..."

Listen folks, you're not good.

You think, "I never raped anyone,

Or murdered anyone with a gun."

But surely you must have hated or lied,

Lusted, or cursed with a boastful pride!

We could very easily point fingers,

And label other people as sinners.

But where is your scarlet letter?

Hidden on your chest is the scarlet letter.

But Jesus died to take the scarlet letter,

So he can be your personal Lord and Savior.

Do you really want to keep the scarlet letter,

Which brings wrath and righteous punishment?

Come to Jesus and repent,

You will find His arm waiting for you.


Jimmy Li Back to Top


I hate that myth that is going out there,

I hate that message that "No One Care"

I once believed in that message of being worthless,

I lived it out when ever I go under stress,

And that motivated me to dream of the Marine,

And the illusions of heroic scene.

But then I came to know Christ Jesus,

And He transformed the life of a worthless,

Into someone who has a new life,

Into something of real life.


Jimmy Li Back to Top

Twenty Poems Of Religion Or Life?

By now you might have complain,

"Oh Jim, you must be insane!

Life is the poetry book's theme,

Why did you write on a 'religious' theme?"

Let me ask you: what makes it so 'religious'?

Is it because I referred to God and Jesus?

Do you even know what is a religion?

I've studied so many cults and religion,

From Astrology to Zoroastrian,

And I can tell you that in Christ it isn't a religion.

When you are in Christ, it's a personal relationship,

From the hardest of hardship,

Through the greatest times of  joy and happiness.

In Christ, He is the source of comfort and peace.

If I was religious and writing these poem today,

I can tell you I won't be able to bust with life's ray.

I would be bogged down with those dead eyes,

Trying to be "religious" with no life nor surprise.

But today I am in Christ Jesus,

And I am so alive in Jesus!

How can someone write twenty poems for this book,

And be stuck in a deadly religiously repeating hook?

God bless you friends, I am alive,

And so I write these poems of how I became alive.


Jimmy Li Back to Top

Your One Legacy in Life....What Would It Be?

Everyone who have ever breathed in this world,

Have only one chance to leave a legacy in this world.

Yes, only one chance out of all eternality,

To make an impact to society.

As for me I already know what I need to do.

I'm going to tell the world that "Jesus loves You".


Jimmy Li Back to Top

A Boring Life

Two days ago I met a fellow friend,

Who's now at PCC with his other friend.

I asked how's life and this is what he told me:

"Classes are really boring,

Some of the people are fat and balding.

There were people just in their twenties,

Who look like they were in their thirties.

There's nothing much I really do,

I don't even know my major yet too!

I work at Del Taco at night,

So I guess my life is all right.

I sleep whenever I have free time,

Life just seems pointless most of the time."

I shook and got freaked.

I thank God I have a purpose as a Jesus Freak,

Lord, thanks for a purpose in my life.


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To Accept Eternal Life

If you want to dedicate your life to Christ,

Here's a prayer for life through Christ:

Dear Lord,

Father I come to you for forgiveness,

Please save me by the blood of Jesus.

I pray that with your strengths I'll repent,

For you saved me from Eternal punishment.

Holy Spirit, come into my heart,

Come and clean this blacken heart.

Lord, give me eternal life,

Forever, please guide my life.

I pray that you would disciple me,

And by Your strengths forge me.

I give my life to You,

In Jesus name I pray,


By, Jimmy Li
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Last Edited December 25, 2002 15:54

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